The LinkedIn Simple Trick That Got Me A Job In Three Days

Okokon Emmanuel
5 min readNov 16, 2023


When you hear people say LinkedIn is a goldmine, it is no cliche; it is fact. Many people — including me — have not maximized LinkedIn enough.

One common mistake many job seekers make on LinkedIn is repeating the same technique and expecting the same results. It won’t work (except you are depending on luck)! This usually leads to burnout and frustration among job seekers.

When you realize that there are millions of qualified people like you seeking for the limited jobs on LinkedIn, then you will understand why you should change your strategies.

This is why I am here. I will share with you the trick that got me one of my recent writing gigs on LinkedIn.

My Twitter Encounter

A few weeks ago, I was going through my Twitter timeline when I came across a post from David Herbert. He explained how you can beat the competition on Linkedin and increase your chances of landing a job.

A screenshot showing David Herbert Twitter’s post on how to beat the competition on LinkedIn to get jobs.
Source: @ David Herbert via Twitter

To my surprise, the technique looked very simple and unbelievable. However, I decided to give it a try. In about three days I got an impressive result.

This shows a response from a client after I pitched for an opportunity on LinkedIn. The client requested for my Fiverr profile.
Source: @ via Email

At this point, you are curious to know what this simple but powerful trick is right? I will get straight to it right way. But before then you have to promise that you will implement this trick and share your feedback with me.

The LinkedIn Trick

This is how applying for jobs on LinkedIn works. They have a job section where companies post available job offers. You apply for the job along with other interested people. Due to the influx of applications, many applicants are screened out by an Applicant Tracking System before the company receives them.

As a result, many people, especially entry-level applicants, find it difficult to land a job. This is why I won’t advise anyone to apply for jobs with over 100 applications on LinkedIn (just my opinion).

A LinkedIn job section showing over 100 job applications for a copywriting opportunity.
Source: @ Okokon Emmanuel via LinkedIn

The good news is that there is a simpler alternative. Instead of applying to jobs where your applications won’t be seen, do this instead:

Simply log in to your LinkedIn account, and go to the search button. Here you input relevant job keywords and hiring.

For instance, if I’m looking for a content writing job, I will search ‘Content Writer and Hiring’. Once you do this, you will find various content on your LinkedIn field that relates to your search term, including posts, people, jobs, companies, groups, etc. However, our focus here is on the post section alone.

A LinkedIn filtered search for a content writing job.
Source: @ Okokon Emmanuel via LinkedIn

You can filter your search further to include the date the post was made. You can limit your search to posts made within 24 hours, one day, or a month. Personally, I recommend going for those posts made in the last 24 hours.You can play around with this!

At this point, you will find several posts made related to content writing jobs. Most of these posts have few engagements, thus reducing your competition.

A LinkedIn post by a recruiter seeking for an experienced content writer.
Source: @ Okokon Emmanuel via LinkedIn

You might ask how this is different from the job posts you find on your timeline. Well, this is straightforward. The posts you find on your timeline are mostly from your 1st-degree connections, 2nd-degree, 3rd-degree connections, or those your connections engage with. However, with this, you can find job posts outside of your connections.

This is why this trick is unique and effective.

After you have found those posts, scroll through the various posts and apply for jobs that align with your skills and experience. While most recruiters require you to send an e-mail, some require a direct message (DM), and others prefer applying through a link.

For the email and DM, your cold pitching skill comes in handy! If you don’t know how to send a professional email or DM, you need to learn how now.

I guarantee that is not as difficult as it sounds. Check out the simple mail I sent to the prospective client below.

An email to a prospective client seeking for a job.
Source: @

My Friendly Advice

I know you are excited to jump in and try out this trick. But first, slow down and listen to the voice of reason!

I didn’t get this job because I was the only one that applied for it. I got it because I proved to the prospective client that I was prepared for it.

Ask yourself the following questions before trying out this trick:

Do I have a great portfolio?

Have I made it easy for my client to access my previous works?

Which payment platforms would my client be comfortable with?

Do I have them?

As you noticed from the screenshot, I shared my Upwork profile link with my prospective client when applying. This way, he will see testimonials from previous clients and gain confidence in my ability.

If you are a new writer with no experience, do not fret! For I am with you. Let your work speak for you. Share links to articles you have published here or on other platforms. However, ensure that they are of great quality.

Furthermore, you will notice that the client requested for my Fiverr account instead. I had one too! (you can’t beat my level of preparedness).

An order was made, work delivered and payment made.

A fiverr order history
Source: the_writeplace via Fiverr

This could be you! But you need to prepare for the opportunity. Do you find this trick interesting and feasible? Would you try it out? I would love to hear your thoughts via the comment section.


Okokon Emmanuel is a freelance writer with over 4 years of experience. He helps businesses and blogs write quality and SEO-friendly articles while they focus on other aspects. Your writing needs are secured in his hands!

